17 December Idolator placed “Boyfriend” at #1 and Ice Cream at #19 on the list of “The Most Underrated Pop Songs Of 2020”

Authoritative music source Idolator.com placed Selena’s song “Boyfriend” at #1 and BlackPink and Selena’s song Ice Cream at #19 on the list of “The Most Underrated Pop Songs Of 2020”.

19. “Ice Cream” — BLACKPINK & Selena Gomez

In some ways, “Ice Cream” was a massive success. It cracked the top 20, becoming the K-Pop group’s biggest hit to date, and racked up more than 500 million YouTube views. However, a song this catchy deserves the top 10. At least.

1. “Boyfriend” — Selena Gomez

Of all the songs released in 2020 that deserved to find a bigger audience, Selena Gomez’s “Boyfriend” comes out on top. This undeniable banger about — you guessed it, wanting a boyfriend — is a complete rush. Clever lyrics, quirky production and a thoroughly demented visual make this something of a lost pop classic.

Source: www.idolator.com

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