2 May @craigkielburger on Instagram: What an absolutely incredible WE Day California!

@craigkielburger: What an absolutely incredible WE Day California! The atmosphere at The Forum was electric, and I was so inspired by the amazing change-makers who took the stage. From hearing the breathtaking story of youth speaker, Edna Chavez, who turned her fear and trauma into a passion for change and lit the spark for young people to stand up as leaders against violence; to seeing the wonderful Natalie Portman empowering our youth to find the courage inside themselves to call out injustice in the world; to the contagious energy of our incredible host, Neil Patrick Harris; it was one of the most inspiring WE Day celebrations to-date.

Thank you to all the wonderful friends, partners and supporters who continue to make WE Day possible, and most of all, thank you to the youth in attendance for your tremendous efforts to make change in your communities.

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